
Europe rise a wall

To prevent new terrorist attacks

World leaders support victims
USPA NEWS - Before the big demonstration against terrorism that meet in Paris to more than one million people, the Interior Ministers of the European Union, United States and Canada agreed to strengthen border controls, enhanced surveillance on suspected terrorists and block the Internet Access to terrorists.
Also, the Interior Ministers want to create a record rating that identifies suspected terrorists and prevent their entry into the EU. The intention is to waterproof the external borders of the EU and limit the ability of jihadists to move and communicate within Europe. The implementation of these measures would require changes to the Schengen Treaty on freedom of movement between member countries of the EU, and could affect EU laws on data protection. However, the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said the changes will not undermine the rights of European citizens. Insisted that "the fight against terrorism has to be a struggle for all, and all together“.
In his opinion, "when you are fighting the battle against jihadists, is taking the battle for our freedom“, Mariano Rajoy says. For this, Europe has the support of the US and Canada. These countries share information on terrorist Europe, promoting greater collaboration between intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic. Whatever is necessary to prevent further attacks such as those in Paris last January 7.
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